First of all, thanks to Mark for inviting us to contribute to this blog! We are so excited to be a part of what I imagine is the only blog that chronicles the grilling of both small and large animals (and vegetables if we must) around the world!
It was Steph and my first anniversary yesterday and we had a backyard charcoal grill on the Hawaiian coast all to ourselves. We could hear the waves of the Pacific Ocean right outside our house as we lit the grill. Having our hearts set on trying the coffee/pepper encrusted steaks, we went back to The Art of Grilling for this recipe. It is simple, with New York Strip steaks, covered in coarsely ground black pepper and coffee, grilled medium rare. We thought the added touch of using Kona coffee, hand processed from right around the corner was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I'll have to add the pictures later, but suffice it to say, it was the perfect anniversary dinner.
We know we set the bar high for Kona coffee-encrusted steaks on the waterfront in Hawaii, but when you set the bar high, interesting things happen... Can't wait to see what else the family comes up with!
Happy Anniversary! It sounds like it was happy and yummy.