So my posting has been delinquent. Mostly because I am still learning to use the grill and didn't want to bore you all with my travails of leathery pork chops and chicken with the skin seared right off the meat.
As of this weekend, however, my grilling rose to a new level of success. Trial and error has finally paid off. Not with anything from the book, just with herbed chicken a-la-Boston. Rather than fooling around spatchcocking the chicken, I just cut it in half and cooked the two halves. Start on indirect heat skin side up, near but not over the fire. Bring it to 165 or 170. Then, 5-7 minutes skin side down over direct to crisp the skin but not burn it. I know the book says you can go 15-20 minutes skin side down over direct heat to start. But that has yet to work out well for me, and I have ruined several good chickens in the process.
So this time, I followed Bay State Grillin technique, as developed by Greg Torres and demonstrated by the master himself at his hideaway in Dartmouth, and voila!
We had friends in from DC who played Mario Kart while I was cooking. Great weekend!
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