Knowing the Koczela salmon reputation, and having eaten several of their versions of grilled salmon, I approached this recipe with a little trepidation. Not to worry, it was delectable.
We did soak the cedar planks and appreciated the tip to do this on a baking sheet with raised sides. The berries that were available were blackberies and blueberries along with raspberries and we used wild caught Canadian coho.
Grilling outside with the 14 degree temperatures may have changed the cooking times and the amount of charcoal we needed as it seemed it took longer than the 20-30 minutes specified in the recipe. Once cooked, it was clear that we would not again use the plank. Besides the sauce that ran ont0 the plank and eventually caught fire, the entire plank was blackened, although it did hold together to get it off the grill.
The salmon was moist inside and the berry sauce nicely complemented the juniper - piney taste. The only change we would make is to reduce the salt by half.
Along with some roasted asparagus and grilled bread, dinner was yummy.
This sounds great. I especially like the part about the plank catching fire in 12 degree weather. I hope you were able to warm your hands by the open flame!