Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Grilled Veal Chops (aka old veal = Porter House Steak) w Sweet-and-Sour Onions

Yours truly planned to do the veal chop recipe on page 180, but when I got to Whole Foods, found only 3 chops left (not enough to feed 5) and $22/pound at that! Ouch! Too expensive. As if Porter House Steak at $14.99 is cheap!

Anyway, having compromised on the beef, I was not about to do so on the onion recipe, but alas, no torpedo onions nor cipollinis nor pearl onions! Not to be deterred, went for large sweet onions and shallots. They worked just fine. Aside from spilling a half a cup of liquid gold (Balsamic Vinegar) during the process, the onions were superb! I grilled them first to give them extra flavor, then added them to the honey-vinegar sauce. I did cook them for longer than called for over the stove, because I had them in a deep pan and partially covered. At the very end, I removed the onions from the sauce as suggested and boiled down the remaining liquid in a flatter pan. Best onions I ever had. Served them on top of the steak (only peppered and snow salted the meat as in Bistecca alla Fiorentina) as well as on top of rice. Added beautifully smoked and grilled asparagus. Even Julie said this was one of the best meals I had ever served her and from the queen of the kitchen, that is a compliment!!!

Topped it all off with a version of of Spit Roasted Pineapple (no spit) from page 578, topped with a mixture of fresh red raspberries, black berries, blue berries and strawberries. Yummy in your tummy.

Tracy has a photo or two for me that will have to be added later. These onions are a keeper.

1 comment:

  1. My mouth is watering! I can't wait to get to Burgy in June so we can try some of these recipes on the Phoenix!
